Wes Moore Chapters 4-6

 Preview: Wu-Tang Clan at The Anthem — Capitol Sound DC

(Wu Tang Clan, One of my favorite rap groups)

Growing up in the 80s, Wes was exposed to a cultural shift that would change the world forever; Hip Hop. Hip hops influence is still felt throughout the world today, and when it was first coming out of the streets of New York, the youth was going mad. The new sounds, lyrics, and personas of these rappers made Hip Hop attractive to the youth. Wes Moore was very fond of Hip Hop because he felt like he could relate to the lyrics and what they were talking about. Personally, I can relate to Wes 100%, because I love Hip Hop as well. Im not just talking about rap music today, Im talking about the old boom bap Hip Hop where rappers were allowed to say the craziest, mind boggling things. Music has played an extremely important role in my life, and I actually wanted to be a musician before I started designing. I love music so much because it can make you feel so many different emotions. Although I mostly listened to rap, I have listened to a plethora of genres all my life. I love listening to people like Curtis Mayfield, Jimmi Hendrix, Michael Jackson, The Beatles etc... All of their music makes you feel something different, and I believe limiting yourself to listening to one genre is very lame (sorry) because you won't get to experience the different types of emotions and feeling you get when listening to an album like SuperFly. I could go on and on about music and why I love it so much but this would turn into a 10 page blog so ill keep it appropriate. I just love music so much and I know why Wes felt the way he felt about music.

    When Wes was tricked into thinking he could leave the military base, I knew it was too good to be true. I had a similar situation happen to me when I was about 9-10 years old. My mom was going on vacation and for some reason I cant remember,  I didn't want to go. After weeks of begging her to stay home, she finally told me I could stay in the house by myself while she goes on vacation. Obviously at the time I thought I was grown and she would actually let me stay, but I didn't think about reality. The night before my mom told me she would be leaving early in the morning and I would wake up to an empty house. Somehow, the next morning I woke up in the airport and I was livid. My mom carried me out of my bed at around 4AM and brought me to the airport while I was sleeping. From that point on I had some serious trust issues! 

(baby picture of my brother)

Giving someone bad news is one of the worst things you have to do at some point in your life. I could only imagine what the other Wes was feeling at the moment, and I know he was extremely anxious and nervous. Last summer, a very close friend of mine who was like a brother passed away. It was 2 weeks of hospital visits, staying there every single day by his side until the hospital closed. When we finally received the news that he passed, I had to tell some of our other friends that had no idea about his condition. It was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life, and seeing/hearing people cry because of what I told them broke my heart. If I was asked to write this a few months ago I probably wouldn't be able to do it because just thinking about him breaks my heart. Telling all of our childhood friends that he passed away is something that I will never forget, and every time I think about it my head starts to hurt. We all have to do difficult things in life but the goal is to just keep pushing. Im sure he's looking down proud of what im doing now, and Im glad I got to spend the time I did with him before he left this earth. 


  1. I understand your trust issue from what you mom did but... as a mom, that story made me laugh. She did what she had to do at the time:-)


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