
Showing posts from January, 2021

Gabriel Diaz Literacy

Hello! My name is Gabriel Diaz and I am a freshman majoring in business management. I enjoy traveling, making clothes, learning about art, and collaborating with my friends on their clothing brands/anything artistic. Art/fashion has always been a huge part of my life, and people are usually pretty surprised that I don't go to an art school. I chose not to because I would much rather learn how to run a successful business and put myself in a position to eventually run my own fashion house and art gallery. I took this class because I was interested in the conversations that might be had in a class like this, but unfortunately we won't be meeting on zoom every week. I am still excited for this course because I enjoy discussing current world issues and I hope that this semester goes smoothly even though we won't be meeting up on zoom.  These are some photoshoots that I have been apart :     Literacy has always been a huge part of my life, and I can remember seeing my mother rea